
又名:飞天侠女 / The Heroic Trio / Eastern Three Heroes


主演:梅艳芳 杨紫琼 张曼玉 刘松仁 黄秋生 白石千 朱咪咪 任世官 秦沛 林迪安 

导演:杜琪峰 / 编剧:邵丽琼 Sandy Shaw


《东方三侠》(1993)原名《東方三俠》字幕下载 / 又名《飞天侠女 / The Heroic Trio / Eastern Three Heroes》中文字幕下载

The all-female Heroic Trio are Tung (Wonder Woman), Chat (Thief Catcher), a mercenary, and Ching (Invisible Woman). Initially, they're on opposing sides - the invisible Ching is kidnapping newborn male babies for her evil master, Tung is trying to solve the crime (rather more effectively than her policeman husband, who is unaware of her secret identity), and Chat, who was formerly employed by Ching's evil master, is trying to sell her services and inside knowledge to the police. But all three have something in common buried deep in their past...
